InstallationJust like nearly every other linux program, do this (as root):
- Unpack tarball and cd to dir.
- ./configure
- make
- make install
This should have you up and running with qingy. There are many arguments
you can pass to
./configure, that affect the way qingy will
be compiled/installed. Use
./configure --help to get a list
of the options available.
You also have to modify your /etc/inittab file.
You should find in it a section that goes like this:
c1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty1 linux
c2:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty2 linux
c3:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty3 linux
c4:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty4 linux
c5:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty5 linux
c6:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty6 linux
and modify it as follows:
c1:12345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/qingy tty1
c2:12345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/qingy tty2
c3:12345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/qingy tty3
c4:12345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/qingy tty4
c5:12345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/qingy tty5
c6:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty6 linux
After that you can either reboot your system or use the following commands (as root):
init Q
killall agetty
agetty is the name of your previous *getty.
After this, either logout or change terminal to see qingy in all
it's glory!
I suggest you leave at least one terminal with your old *getty,
so that in case of problems or misconfiguration
(remember that qingy is beta software, so there may well be
some bugs) you have at least one surely working terminal.
- | Use TAB to jump to the next section |
- | Use SHIFT-TAB to jump to the previous section |
- | You can also use your mouse and click a section |
- | Type as you always did in previous life ;-) (*) |
- | Use UP and DOWN arrows (or your mouse) to browse sessions |
- | Click on POWER and RESET buttons and you will, respectively, poweroff and reboot |
- | The above can also be obtained via ALT-P and ALT-R |
- | Press ENTER to log in |
- | Press CTRL-ESC two times to deactivate DirectFB and get a text login |
- | Press ALT-Fn (or CTRL-ALT-Fn) to switch to the nth tty(**) |
- | If you log into, say, WindowMaker, and then change VT, WM will wait for you to switch back to the previous VT |
(*) you can use all the usual
BACKSPACE keys to edit your text
(**) there is no need to enable VT switching in DirectFDB.
Configurationqingy configuration file is
tweak it to fit your needs/likes. There are many options there
that you can customize, each of them preceded by a comment
explaining it. Here is a tipical config file example:
# Directory containing X sessions
x_sessions = "/etc/X11/Sessions/"
# Directory containing text mode sessions
text_sessions = "/etc/qingy/sessions/"
# Directory where qingy should put its temporary files
temp_files_dir = "/var/lib/misc"
# Full path to the 'xinit' executable
xinit = "/usr/X11R6/bin/xinit"
# Parameter we should pass to the X server
x_args = "-nolisten tcp"
# How verbose should qingy be?
# Possible values are debug, error
# Default value is error
log_level = error
# Where should qingy messages be logged?
# Values can be one or more of the following:
# console, file, syslog
# Default value is console
# log_facilities = console, file
log_facilities = console
# Offset to search for an available X server number.
# This number affects the DISPLAY env variable.
# Default is 1, setting it to 0 will make buggy OpenGL implementations
# (like the ATI one) work with qingy, but it will also make impossible
# to start an X server from console using startx without passing it
# extra parameters.
#x_server_offset = 1
# Where should we start the X server?
# Accepted values are:
# qingy_tty (default) to start it in the same tty qingy is running in
# unused_tty to start it into an unused tty
x_server_tty = qingy_tty
# Scripts that should be executed just before/after qingy GUI is fired up/shut down
# pre_gui_script = "/etc/qingy/"
# post_gui_script = "/etc/qingy/"
# Where are the screen savers?
screensavers_dir = "/usr/lib/qingy/screensavers"
# How much should we wait (in minutes) before the screen saver is fired up?
# A value of 0 disables screensaver completely.
screensaver_timeout = 5
# How much should we wait (in minutes) before the screen enters power saving mode?
# A value of 0 disables the feature
screen_powersaving_timeout = 30
# screensaver "pixel"
screensaver "photos" =
# Where are the themes?
themes_dir = "/usr/share/qingy/themes"
# What theme do you want (you can also specify 'random')
theme = "rouge"
#theme = "default"
# Who is allowed to shut down the system?
# Allowed options are 'everyone', 'root', 'noone'
# shutdown_policy = everyone
# How should latest user be calculated?
# global means get latest user that logged in using qingy from whichever tty
# tty means get latest user that logged in using current tty
# default policy is global
#last_user_policy = global
# How should latest user session be calculated?
# user means get last session of each user
# tty means get last session of current tty
# default policy is user
#last_session_policy = user
# What happens when we press the 'sleep' button?
sleep = "/usr/local/sbin/hibernate"
# wether we should clear background image during dialogs (default is no)...
# this is the default setting, it gets overridden if the theme you are using
# sets the same setting differently...
clear_background = yes
# wether to allow session locking; if you enable this, when you try to
# switch to a qingy-controlled tty whose owner is not your current
# user, you will be asked for the password of that user before being
# allowed to continue. If you are root, of course, you can switch
# to any tty you chose to. Default setting is 'no'.
#lock_sessions = yes
# whether to allow session timeout; if you enable this, after the amount
# of minutes specified in idle_timeout variable, idle_action will be
# performed. Allowed actions are:
# lock will lock user session asking you for your password
# logout will close your session
#idle_timeout = 30
#idle_action = lock
# How many times should we try to fire app qingy interface
# before reverting to text mode? Default is 0...
#retries = 1
# these options are valid only if qingy is started from tty3
tty = 3
theme = random
screensaver "running_time"="%H:%M:%S"
qingy_DirectFB = "/root/Documenti/programmazione/qingy/src/DirectFB/qingy-DirectFB"
# Should we auto log in?
# Totally insecure, but very convenient ;-)
# Note that this section must be put inside a tty=n{} block
# username = "myuser"
# # You can also use 'session=lastsession' to automatically choose last user session
# session = "wmaker"
# #session = lastsession
# # if set to 'no', qingy will autologin only once every system restart
# relogin = no
prev_tty = "win" # switch to left tty
next_tty = "menu" # switch to right tty
poweroff = "ALT-p" # shutdown your system
reboot = "ALT-r" # restart your system
screensaver = "ALT-s" # activate screen saver
sleep = "ALT-z" # put machine to sleep
#kill = "CTRL-c" # kill qingy
text_mode = "CTRL-ESC" # Revert to text mode
Also, remember that info qingy is your friend,
or would be if it was not so outdated...